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Gourmet(esque) Weeknight Potatoes

Gourmet(esque) Weeknight Potatoes

This is my go to potato dish for its ease, but also because it is so good.  You can substitute any of the spice blends to figure out which you like best. 

Using small baby potatoes that do not have to be peeled makes this a total weeknight meal, while also being elegant enough for entertaining.


Serves 3 to 4

1 ½ lbs small yellow potatoes

3 tbsp avocado oil

2 tsp The Everything Spice and/or The Herbed Turkey by UMAMI


Wash but do not peel potatoes.  Place in a heavy frying pan with 3 tablespoons of avocado oil.  Cook covered for 20 – 25 minutes on low heat, occasionally shaking the pan so that potatoes brown evenly.

I like to use a clear glass top so that I can see what is going on in the pan without losing heat by taking the top off.

Test with a fork.  Once done, sprinkle generously with UMAMI's The Everything Spice and shake.  I sometimes mix the two blends together because I love the salt forward flavor of The Everything Spice.  But who can resist the herby goodness of The Herbed Turkey?!  Not me, that’s for sure.

 To take it up a notch, add fresh minced garlic and/or thyme and rosemary a minute or two before you take it off the heat.

To Take it up a notch:

          Add fresh minced garlic and/or thyme and rosemary a minute or two before you take it off the heat.

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